CARES Group was tasked by TRANSCO CLSG to develop measures that reduce risks to tolerable levels and a practical HSE management System in the CLSG Projects and the Company in general that ensures the protection of its staff, contractors and the public at all times and environment.
CARES Group carried out a desk-based review of existing and available project information, previous findings, recommendations and proposals. A summary of available documentation and findings were presented in an Inception Report.
Consistent with the overall objectives CARES Group also carried out:
• Risk Identification and Assessment using a combination of methods including Document Reviews and Brain Storming.
• Development of a Health, Safety and Environmental Policy and Procedures Manual Based on the Risk identification and assessment, CARES Group developed a Health, Safety and Environmental Policy and Procedures Manual for the TRANSCO CLSG operational phase taking into account, Environmental Components and Health and Safety Components.
• Training of personnel in the implementation of the HSE Policy and Procedure Manual CARES Group trained identified personnel in the implementation of the Policy and Procedure Manual. This includes assistance in the assignment of roles and responsibilities within each HSE case, ALARP (As Low As Reasonably Practicable) demonstration and other deliverables.