Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) for Dredging of the Odaw Drainage Basin
The Greater Accra Resilient and Integrated Development Project (GARID) Project is being funded
by the World Bank to improve flood risk management and solid waste management in the Odaw River Basin and improve access to basic infrastructure and services in targeted communities.
To reduce the flood risk impact, mitigation measures include deferred and maintenance dredging. As this activity would result in environmental and social impacts including land acquisition and involuntary resettlement leading to relocation or loss of shelter; loss of assets or access to assets; or loss of income sources or means of livelihood, careful consideration needed to be given to mitigate the impacts, and safeguard public interest, health, and the environment.
Consequently, CARES are preparing a RAP for implementation and a standalone Livelihood Restoration Plan (LRP), to be implemented as a follow-up to the RAP.