CARES Group provides Maritime Management and Operations consultancy to the infrastructure industry including shipping lines, harbour authorities and port operators. Our maritime consultants have a broad range of disciplines, with a strong track record in programme/ project management, maritime risk assessment/ management, port-specific navigation simulation, maritime training, consultancy for VTMS and other Aids to Navigation.
CARES Group offers a range of services to the Maritime sector based on the guidelines of internationally recognised organisations such as IMO and IALA. Our consultants include experienced sea-going mariners, engineers and scientists, who have worked extensively worldwide – and in West Africa in particular. We use an IMO-based methodology for Formal Safety Assessments that can be tailored to the operators’ and port’s specific needs. Our navigation simulation programme enables us to identify and prove the “art of the possible” in a controlled environment when generating channel and port designs – thereby reducing capital cost risks for our clients.
We provide the operational management and training delivery capability for maritime at the Port Training Institute Navigation Simulator Facility in Lagos. Our training consists of classroom theory supported as necessary by practical experience and training in a Full Mission Bridge Simulator (FMBS) and a state-of-the-art Computer Based Training (CBT) capability. Our topics are wide-ranging and are based on Continuous Professional Development (CPD) for pilots and Harbour Masters to port authorities as well as consultancy in positioning and types of Aids to Navigation for major channel and port designs. As a consultancy we pride ourselves on our depth and breadth of knowledge. Please contact us to discuss our services to the maritime sector. For more information, click here.
Please contact us to discuss our Maritime management and operations
Tim Churchill
Tim is an ex-UK military corporate strategic and operational senior manager and decision-maker. He is a maritime navigation specialist and a builder and implementer of maritime operational capability.