Royal Salt produces salt in the Keta Lagoon and wished to consider the export of salt in barges to neighbouring countries. As a result, CARES Group was commissioned to carry out a Concept Design Study of constructing a barge loading facility on the Ghanaian coast.
CARES Group carried out a Concept Design Study which included a presentation of alternatives and provided a preliminary cost estimate for each alternative.
The study identified the need for further action that would be required in order to confirm the feasibility of the project.
CARES Group also provided an assessment of the technical risks of the project and identified the principal environmental issues that would have to be addressed during a full Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).
The purpose of the jetty was to export salt from the salt works in Keta Lagoon and there would be no other cargo and no imports.
CARES Group provided an assessment of the wave climate at the site in order to determine the maximum wave height, and also to estimate how much downtime can be expected.
CARES Group report was used by Royal Salt to assist in deciding whether to proceed further with the project.