Post-Dredging Environmental Assessment

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Following dredging works to allow for safe berthing of its FPSO hull and successful integration of the FPSO topside, a post dredging environmental assessment was required to analyse dredged spoil deposited on land for the purpose of reclamation.
As a fallout from the Impact Mitigation Monitoring exercise conducted with the Federal Ministry of Environment (FMEnv), there was a need to conduct a post-dredging environmental assessment to understand if there had been any adverse effects associated with deposition of dredged material on land.
Consequently, CARES Group was commissioned to conduct a post-dredging environmental assessment in the presence of the FMEnv. The assessment involved the following:

  • Boring holes and collection of soil samples across the reclaimed area at various depths.
  • Analysis of samples for contaminants of concern and risk assessment where contaminants of concern exceed regulatory limits.
  • Determining nature and extent of contamination; identifying hazards associated with contamination; identifying potential targets and routes of exposure; and, evaluating risks relating to site use.
  • Development of appropriate measures to ensure that potential adverse effects adequately managed.