Vessels with destinations/departure points along Badagry Channel (APMT, Tin Can Island) presently have to navigate a sharp bend at Meridian Point which poses a risk to the safety of navigation. CARES Group provided Engineering, Environmental and Maritime Services to support channel optimisation at this point.
Lagos Harbour Channel Design
CARES Group provided Lagos Harbour Channel Design recommendations for the layout of the navigational channel to optimise the channels for current and future anticipated vessels; and, to improve the safety of navigation. The channel design included plans to remodel the channel at Meridian Point.
Preliminary Design
CARES Group carried out preliminary design of the proposed modifications, leading to the finalisation of a chosen design, construction methodology and cost estimate. Services included civil, structural, geotechnical and marine engineering in order to plan the dredging and excavation operations, design of the new quay wall and site investigation.
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA)
CARES Group completed an ESIA for approval by the regulators the Federal Ministry of the Environment.