LNG Loading Facility- Marine Geotechnical & Geophysical Investigations

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Geotechnical information was required for the engineering design for proposed Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) loading facilities.
CARES Group personnel provided project management and site supervision services. The planned facilities included a trestle jetty and LNG loading dock; marine access channel; turning basin; construction dock; and, breakwater.
To provide the required information a geotechnical investigation was conducted which covered the complete geotechnical scope including field data gathering (soil borings for sample collection / Cone Penetration Tests (CPT)); laboratory testing; data evaluation and preparation of the data reports.
The geophysical site investigation included data acquisition utilising an Echosounder. Side Scan Sonar, Sub-Bottom Pinger Profiler, Magnetometer and for the nearshore Seismic Refraction.