Formal Safety Assessment

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The Nigeria Ports Authority (NPA) decided to honour agreed obligations under the United Nations Safety of Life at Seas (SOLAS) convention. To support this development, CARES Group was commissioned to conduct a test-case Formal Safety Assessment (FSA) for Bonny Port District (BPD).

This assessment was primarily conducted to identify optional (including management) safety risks – along with suggestions of how to reduce them; to develop marine safety awareness across the BPD; and, conduct an audit of current marine safety operational and management practices and procedures.

CARES Group adopted the formal five step FSA methodology endorsed by the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) which is both auditable and traceable for decision makers.

CARES Group augmented the IMO methodology with various tailor-made analysis models, design principles and systems including a bespoke web / computer based Risk Impact Management System (RIMS) which was developed for risk analysis.

Additionally, CARES Group provided a Port Safety Guide that provides examples of risks and issues that need to be considered in developing port infrastructure.