CARES Group was commissioned by Lagos Channel Management (LCM) to determine the feasibility for the Stage One development of a channel in the Ijegun area to the North of Snake Island.
Snake Island is within the Port’s Limits for Lagos Port. However, currently, the maintained navigation channel stops at Kiri-Kiri; although sea-going vessels are clearly berthing in Badagry Creek westwards beyond the maintained channel. This presents safety concerns and it is also believed that the Nigerian Ports Authority (NPA) may not be receiving port dues for vessels berthing in this area.
As a result of this situation and the potential for future developments in this area, NPA / LCM wish to consolidate their management over the channels west of Kiri-Kiri, to increase the safety of navigation and to maximise the revenue from port dues.
In order to assess these proposals CARES Group completed four key tasks: