Environmental and Health Risk Analysis

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MODEC operate the Floating, Production and Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessel the Kwame Nkrumah MV21 which is installed in the Jubilee Oil Field.
The Jubilee Oil Field is one of the largest oil fields discovered in West Africa in the last 10 years.
MODEC identified that a Health Risk Assessment had not been completed and that there was no record of information about workforce Similar Exposure Groups (SEG’s). Similarly, there were no specific exposure profiles for physical, chemical and biological agents identifiable with the FPSO operations.
As a result of this CARES Group completed an Occupational Hygiene Risk Assessment. The assessment assessed activities onboard the FPSO focusing primarily on (but not limited to) environmental factors; and, chemical, physical and biological agents.
The assessment identified the majority of the work activities within the three main departments, identified potential occupational hazards and how the hazards are managed; identified SEG’s and established hazard profiles for each one.
CARES Group produced a detailed Occupational Hygiene Action Plan and the project resulted in improved Occupational Hygiene Management onboard the FPSO